
Papuan asylum seekers arrive in Australia
A group of asylum seekers from the Papua province of Indonesia have arrived in Melbourne. Forty-two men, women and children from the Indonesian province were recently granted temporary protection visas and they will settle in Melbourne.
The group will be given benefits until they find accommodation and jobs. They have been staying on Christmas Island since their arrival in January.

One of the men granted refugee status says he has spent years in jail and seen his friends killed in the province's struggle for independence. Herman Wainggai says he was jailed twice for protesting against the Indonesian military occupation of West Papua. Another man is still on Christmas Island awaiting the outcome of his visa application. The lawyer representing the group says young people are being targetted by the Indonesian military for abuse and mistreatment. Several of them are children who are here without their parents.

Refugee lawyer David Manne says while he cannot comment on the specifics, there is evidence young people are being singled out for abuse. "One of the things that parents of course guard against, is their young ones being targetted and certainly, I should say one other thing and that is there is excellent care being taken of those young people who have fled to safety in Australia," he said.
Posted by: Oztrailan 2006-04-03