
Porkeaters are Pigs
Neukoelln - A Ham Sandwich? Whoever eats that is a "pig". On schoolyards and even in kindergartens the "children's clash of civilization" rages - around head cloths and eating customs. In Neukoelln the children who do not believe in the Prophet Mohammed are on the retreat. One scene of combat is the Richard primary school in Neukoelln. It has approximately 400 pupils. The proportion of the German children is approximately 20 per cent; in the lower classes as little as ten per cent. "Christ is here a frequently used insult", head mistress Hannelore Mainusch had to admit at a meeting of the school committee of the district. And: "The German children are not really tolerated. We trying to work on that in the lesson plans." But the teacher evaluates the success of the "training" as limited. "Porkeaters stink!" "Whoever eats pork, is a pig." Non-Muslim children in Nordneukoellner daycare centers (Kita) have to listen to that meanwhile.

Under the theme "faith war in Neukoellner Kitas" the FDP local politician Sebastian Kluckert inquired what the district office was doing in response to such stuff. Youth town councillor Thomas Blesing (SPD) granted that such events had occurred. But there are hardly any German children left in the Nordneukoellner Kitas - and so pork was striken from the Kita meal plan. Blesing stated in his written answer: "Since the muslim food regulations were taken into account, there is no source of mutual recrimination in the the rules."

But this answer is for Kluckert a weak retreat in the face of Islamic demands. And it worries him: "What if I inquire, what is the district office doing in response to fact that in the schools girls without head cloths are mobbed? Perhaps I will get the answer someday: We are taking no more girls into school?"
yes, that's the logical next step, isn't it??

Posted by: KBK 2006-04-03