
UN mum on raid reports on Ashraf Qazi's Baghdad premises
The UN has neither affirmed nor denied a report that first appeared in a New York newspaper that a raid had been carried out on behalf of the UN at Ashraf Jehangir Qazi's office or residence in Baghdad in connection with charges of corruption.
This article kind of sings sweet harmony with the Kosovo UN corruption article, doesn't it?
The UN secretary general's spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, at his daily press briefing on Monday, would not comment when asked more than once if any such raid had been carried out at the residence or office of Qazi, who is the secretary general's special representative in Iraq. He said the UN "routinely" investigates all allegations of corruption or mismanagement. The spokesman also praised Qazi, who, according to him, had the secretary general's complete confidence as his work was appreciated, being done under very difficult circumstances.
"So it's only fair that he gets to wet his beak a little now and then, okay?"

Posted by: Fred 2006-04-11