
Sarandon attacks Oscars control
Look who's back. Susan, just shutup. Oooooops, sorry. Don't want to infringe on your free speech.
Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has accused organisers of the Academy Awards of being obsessed with control. The star, who won best actress in 1996, said she resented the way they tried to regulate what actors said and did. "The organisers have gone over the top trying to control it and make sure nothing happens," she told the BBC's TV and radio listings magazine, Radio Times. "I resent they make you sign a piece of paper saying you'll never sell the statuette, except back to them for $1 (60p). I changed that to 'market value'. It's only an Oscar, not sperm."
Thinking of selling yours? You career keeps heading where it's heading, you may have to. Thank God for Ebay.
Sarandon, 56, was a presenter at this year's Oscars, where she and partner Tim Robbins were seen flashing peace signs at cameras. But despite being one of Hollywood's most outspoken anti-war stars, she refrained from making a political statement from the podium.
Mikey Moore must've drawn short straw to be idiot spokesman for the lefties.
She also tried to sell dove-shaped peace brooches to other stars in aid of land-mine victims. "You'd be surprised who wouldn't even wear one," she said. "I guess they're nervous of me."
That's good. Looks like she's planning a second career in Jewelery Sales. Smart move. Good planning to have something to fall back on.
Sarandon won her Oscar for Dead Man Walking and has four other nominations dating back to 1982.
Anti-death penalty, Susie, Sean Penn...it had everything!
Explaining her anti-war stance, she told the Radio Times that the world had belonged to her generation, but they "screwed up. Now we have to unscrew it. Maybe things have to get so bad before we wake up."
Like if my career goes so far down the tubes, I'll be the answer to a trivia question.
"I lost a very dear friend in the Twin Towers on 11 September and thought the shock was so huge that American arrogance would be diminished.
I think Bin-Laden thought the same thing.He was wrong too.
"Instead, our president has turned it into one of the most divisive times since the Civil War."
Really? You should get out more Susan. Hang out with some real people instead of your Hollywood friends. Because methinks you're full of shit.
Her views led to her being the subject of a "witch-hunt", she said.
Yes, the magic word. Well it looks like they found one, doesn't it?
Posted by: tu3031 2003-05-28