
Sudanese, foreigners arrested in western Sudan: ministry
KHARTOUM -- The Sudanese army and security forces raided an area in western Sudan, arresting a number of Sudanese and foreigners on charges of "suspicious activities," the interior ministery said early Wednesday. The ministry said in a statement that the army and security forces raided a location in the state of West Kordofan after receiving information "about a group of people involved in suspicious activities." The statement said that the authorities arrested "several suspects, including foreigners" during the raid and they will be brought to Khartoum to face legal action, following their interrogation. The Arabic newspaper al-Hayat, published in London, reported that Sudanese security forces attacked a training camp in western Sudan and arrested four Saudis and nine Sudanese.
Hmmm... SPLA wouldn't be involved with Soddies, and Lord's Resistance Army's even more unlikely. Wonder how the Sudanese like having Qaeda back?

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-05-28