
U.S. war against Iraq dismissed as unjust
The United States describes its Iraqi war as a war for "freedom" and "peace" but it can never justify the injustice and criminal nature of the war, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The article brands the Iraqi war as a war of aggression against independence and peace, a war unilaterally perpetrated by the U.S. in disregard of international law and the UN and typical state-sponsored terrorism in the 21st century.
I think our NK friends know a little bit about disregarding international law and the UN. Not to mention state sponsored terrorism.
Iraq has never infringed upon the interests of the U.S. nor threatened it. Therefore, there was no legal justification for the U.S. to mount a military attack on Iraq as unanimously claimed by the world public, the article says, and continues: The inspection of weapons in Iraq was conducted according to the UN resolution at the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Therefore, the Iraqi issue should have been settled according to the UN resolution. However, the U.S. unilaterally perpetrated military invasion of Iraq without any approval or resolution of the UN.This has brought into bolder relief the despicable true colors of the U.S. imperialists who go arrogant, disregarding and mocking at the UN and international law.
"Go arrogant"? I thought we "ran amuck"? The Japanese and the South Koreans "go reckless". KCNA better get the Anti-Imperialist War Monger guys together and have them get their cliches straight. And when did the NK's get to be such sticklers on international law and obeying the UN? I missed that.
The absurd pretext put up by the U.S. during the war helps clearly understand the injustice of the war. When invading Iraq the U.S. cited the Iraq-laden ties and the "Iraq's possession of weapons of mass-destruction" as pretexts. But any objective material evidence which can testify to those things has not yet been discovered, to say nothing of the period of the war. As claimed by the world people, the true aim sought by the U.S. In its Iraqi war was to have a monopoly on Iraq's inexhaustible oil resources.
The Evil Bush and his lackeys strike again!!!Operation Engulf and Devour marches on!!!
The U.S. is, indeed, the world's biggest oil thief and a rogue state. With nothing can the U.S. cover up the unjust and criminal nature of the war and its selfish aim sought in it.
Well, it's over. And we won. Looks like you paid attention. Dig 'em deeper, Kimmie.
Posted by: tu3031 2003-05-29