
US refuses to comment on Atwa's possible demise
The United States has refused to confirm reports of a senior al Qaeda operative being killed in Pakistan.

US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack deferred questions on the subject to Islamabad saying that it was in a "best position" to offer any comment on the matter. The al Qaeda operative suspected to be killed was wanted in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya.

"I am not in a position to confirm the reports for you one way or the other. I know there is a high-ranking Pakistani official who spoke to the matter. I think that they are probably in the best position to offer any comment on the matter", McCormack said yesterday.

"Certainly, fighting al Qaeda is an important priority for President Musharraf. We believe that in President Musharraf, we have a good partner in fighting the war on terrorism, fighting al Qaeda. It's not only important in the global fight against terrorism, but al-Qaeda presents a threat to Pakistan itself, so they devote quite a few resources to that fight", he added.

"In terms of an individual wanted in connection with the embassy bombing, we want to see justice be done. We want to see individuals held to account for what they have done." McCormack said.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-04-14