
Habib's video of torture
FORMER Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib has produced a bizarre home video to show the world his alleged mistreatment at the hands of the US military.

The homemade film - a dramatised recreation of his three-year stint in the Cuban prison - stars Mr Habib's eldest son Ahmed, who plays the role of his father.
Mr Habib himself plays one of his American captors in the video, which he plans to air publicly today.

The documentary-style film features one scene in which Ahmed, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, is dragged across the floor by his father using a rope.

Another scene demonstrates how Mr Habib was struck on the fingers with a hammer, while another segment shows Mr Habib fitting electrodes to his son's chest before subjecting him to mock electric shocks.

Yesterday, Mr Habib's wife, Maha, said her whole family had been involved in making the video, which had brought back painful memories for her husband.

"It is a film to show the experience of the torture he suffered," Mrs Habib said.
"It took us a long time to make. Mamdouh had to stop on many occasions because he became very emotional."

Mrs Habib said she welcomed all interested viewers to see the film, which will be shown today at the University of Technology, Sydney.

"We want people to be aware of what is happening to Australian people over there," she said yesterday.

Mr Habib was arrested in Pakistan in late 2001 on suspicion of involvement in terrorism, specifically of having prior knowledge of the September 11 attacks in America.

He claimed that after being detained in Egypt and sent to Guantanamo Bay, he was subjected to three years of abuse - most of which is demonstrated in the video account of his time at the prison camp.

Mr Habib claims he was not only beaten with hammers, given electric shocks and dragged across the floor by a rope, but also had dogs set on him.

In an apparent effort to fully understand his father's time in incarceration, Ahmed allegedly asked Mr Habib to subject him to the same treatment for the bizarre film.

"He told me to hurt him like they hurt me," Mr Habib said, adding that he had refused his son's request.

Mr Habib has previously expressed a desire to move his family from Australia to the Middle East to escape what he claims to be an atmosphere of constant harassment.

But first, he must win back his passport.

The Habib home video will be screened at 3pm today at the UTS campus in Broadway.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-04-14