
Iranian Hezbollah leader threatens attacks on US, Turkey
Iranian Hizbollah threatened suicide attacks on U.S. targets worldwide in case of a military campaign against Iran and its nuclear program and warned Turkey would also be targeted if it cooperates with the United States.

"You should have no doubt that we would attack you as well if the United States uses bases in Turkey, receives support from Turkey," Sayyid Muhammed Bager Kharrazi, leader of Iranian Hizbollah, said in an interview with Turkish private television NTV. "We will retaliate against all of those who support our attacker."

Kharrazi also claimed that their retaliation would be unparalleled, even when compared to the attacks of al-Qaeda.

Kharrazi's remarks come amid reports in the Turkish press that the United States was seeking naval and air bases in Turkey. Daily Akşam said lands belonging to villagers near the Turkish-Iranian border have been expropriated, purportedly in preparation for building an airport.

Daily Cumhuriyet said the United States was seeking to establish three naval bases in Turkey's Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, but the U.S. Embassy in Ankara yesterday denied the report, saying the story has "no factual basis."

The Turkish Foreign Ministry also denied both reports.

In his interview with NTV, Kharrazi said Iranian Hizbollah would spread the war beyond Iran's borders and into the United States and countries supporting it, if the United States attacks Iran's nuclear targets.

"If our nuclear facilities are attacked, Hizbollah commandos will attack nuclear facilities in Europe and the United States," he was quoted as saying.

The United States and other Western nations accuse Iran of seeking to master uranium enrichment technology to build atomic weapons, a charge Iran denies. Washington says it wants a diplomatic solution but has not ruled out a military option. Turkey says Iran has the right to acquire nuclear energy for peaceful purposes but opposes its having nuclear weapons.

International news reports have said some 200 Iranians have volunteered in the past few days to carry out "martyrdom missions" against U.S. and British interests if Iran is attacked.

Mohammad Ali Samadi, spokesman for the Committee for the Commemoration of Martyrs of the Global Islamic Campaign, said fresh fears over a possible U.S. attack on Iran's nuclear sites helped attract volunteers during its latest recruitment drive. "Because of the recent threats, we have started to register more volunteers since Friday," Samadi told Reuters. "Some 200 people have registered to carry out operations against our enemies. America and Britain are definitely considered enemies." Chanting "Death to America" and "Nuclear technology is our right," volunteers registered their names at the former American Embassy in southern Tehran on Sunday and signed a document called "Registration form for martyrdom-seeking operations" and pledged to "defend the Islamic Republic's interests." The Sunday Times of London, quoting unnamed Iranian officials, reported Iran had 40,000 trained suicide bombers prepared to strike Western targets if Iran is attacked.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-04-19