
Fitzgerald: No Infidel Man's Burden
Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald discusses the vacuity of the idea that dhimmi Westerners have a responsibility to rebuild Muslim countries:

Does the United States, and the West in general, have a responsibility to fix what is broken in Afghanistan? As a poster to this website put it recently: “The only option I see is for the armed forces of the western nations fully occupy afghanistan, subdue them and colonize them for at least two generations and teach them civilized life."

Absolutely not. That would end, once and for all, any chance of sensible support, within the Western world, for dealing with the worldwide Jihad, and especially with the problems of Da'wa and demographic conquest within the Western world. What happens in Europe is far more important than whether primitive tribesmen, who will hardly be weaned away from Islam by Infidels, fight with each other or do not fight with each other.

The Pentagon should right now be arranging only to supply local warlords who may, in promoting themselves, do our bidding. Let Afghanistan collapse into warring fiefdoms, as long as those warlords keep Al Qaeda and the Taliban at bay. And they can do so, if they are supplied with weaponry, and if there are on the ground only Afghanis or others of interest (for example, soldiers from Tadjikistan). Others who are also worried about the Taliban can at the same time supply what they can (e.g. Kazakhstan might help with American bases for the odd bombing run, and with some of that oil money as well).

Resources must be husbanded, not squandered. The American public will lose all interest -- the very interest it has been so hard to sustain -- in fighting a war of self-defense against the Jihad if the American army is now deployed in large numbers to Afghanistan. In fact, the Infidel presence in Afghanistan should be reduced to the point of near-nothingness. As long as America is seen as the source of money, money, money (as it is seen in Iraq), plausible locals will insist on the Americans remaining, and doing much of the fighting, and all this ridiculous "rebuilding" which has nothing to do with limiting the power of the global Islamic jihad.

We can only lose, we can only become confused, when we begin to think that maybe this or that group is composed of people who hold to Western sensibilities. We, the Infidels, and especially the naive Americans, are permanently out of our depth when we are dealing with those for whom smiles and deception are a way of life.

Instead of working to rebuild Afghanistan or any other Muslim polity, we should work to divide and demoralize the forces of the global jihad. We can do this in many ways, among the chief being by pointing out the obvious. For example, we should be pointing out all the ways in which Islam is a vehicle for an Arab supremacist ideology, one which requires non-Arabs to exhibit a kind of historical amnesia about, or indifference to, or contempt for, all that is pre-Islamic about their past.

By refusing to help -- helping with the Jizyah of foreign aid, helping with all that rebuilding -- Infidels can do more to help themselves. In the end, this will also help the peaceful Muslims around the world. Let them discover, over the next many decades, what has been done to their societies by the inshallah-fatalism of Islam, and by the habit of mental submission that is encouraged by Islam, and by the willingness to endure despotism because in Islam political power cannot be located in the will of mere people, but only in the Will of Allah as codified in the Shari'a or Holy Law of Islam -- which mere mortals, men who count for nothing except to the extent that they submit to the revealed will of Allah, can only hope to approximate.

Let Muslims themselves begin slowly (as Kemal Ataturk did, and as others have) to understand that all of their political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral failures, of their states, of their societies, whether in Dar al-Islam or Dar al-Harb, are a direct result of various Islamic doctrines and assumptions.

That cannot be imposed by Infidel armies. That can best occur by the U.S. limiting its contacts with Muslim countries, and not helping them out. It can best be accomplished by forcing them to help each other out, or to dissolve into internecine warfare, Muslim against Muslim.

Meanwhile, as that spectacle of internecine warfare and endless cruelty is on display, even those in Western Europe who have lost all sense of themselves, and who have permitted themselves to allow their own worst mental pathologies -- anti-Americanism and antisemitism -- to be exploited cleverly by an army of mujahedin and their ideological collaborators (or simply venal Western hirelings of Muslim states and interests), to undo and reverse those intellectual and moral errors of their own.
Posted by: tipper 2006-04-20