
Bennett on the CIA Leak Firing - heh!
Earlier this week, Bill Bennett took some heat for saying that several of the journalists who won Pulitzers this year should go to jail. Today on CNN, Bennett put his remarks into the context of the news that a CIA officer has been fired for leaking and possibly faces prosecution:

Blitzer was horrified:
BLITZER: What Bill is suggesting, as a reporter, is very very dangerous, very slippery...

TORIE CLARKE: You would look good in horizontal stripes.

BLITZER: You used to be the press spokesperson over at the Pentagon. Do you agree with those comments?

CLARKE: I hesitate to disagree with him, because he's so smart, and I appreciate the seriousness with which he treats this, but I've always thought there should be more emphasis in these matters on the people in government who sign papers saying, "I will never reveal classified information. I take these responsibilities seriously," etc., and then they do it. I wish there was more emphasis on that side of the fence.

Posted by: 3dc 2006-04-23