
Pashtuns refuse to obey Pakistani edict on weapons
A paramilitary trooper and three tribesmen were killed yesterday in a shoot-out in a restive Pakistani tribal region, as authorities tried to enforce a ban on carrying arms, officials said.

The firefight broke out near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, where close to 300 people have died in clashes between security forces and pro-Taleban tribal militants since early March. Tribesmen in a minibus opened fire after being ordered to hand over weapons at a checkpoint near a cemetery on the outskirts of the town. “Four men were killed, including three attackers and one Frontier Corps trooper, in an exchange of fire at the cemetery checkpost,” an intelligence official said.

He described the attackers as militants, and said two others had been arrested.

The fiercely independent Pashtun tribes of the area regard a display of weapons as part of their cultural identity, and Kalashnikovs and bandoliers are commonly referred to as “Pashtun jewellery”.
I want to snark that, I really do, but how?
After the clash, shopkeepers pulled down shutters in the main bazaar and helicopter gunships hovered overhead.

Hours earlier, militants distributed leaflets through the town urging tribesmen not to surrender weapons. The leaflets urged paramilitary troops, who are drawn from the tribes, to desert and fight against “Zionism and Christianity” instead of taking sides with “infidels”. “Don’t spoil your faith for a few rupees. You must quit the ranks of infidels in the war between America and Islam,” read a leaflet.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-04-24