
Baghdad Bob lives!
"Comical Ali" [alias "Baghdad Bob," alias "Skippy,"] is alive and living in a Baghdad suburb - and still wearing his trademark uniform and beret, according to reports. The Mail on Sunday said it had tracked down the former Iraqi information minister, ending speculation he had committed suicide or fled the country.
"I'm not dead! I'm getting better!"
The newspaper said it found him "cowering in his modest home, terrified his own people will kill him".
"I think I won't go for a walk!"
They said his wife and daughter act as his human shields while his sons had temporarily left their jobs as doctors to help protect him.
"I feel terrified! I feel terrified!"
The paper described Ali - full name Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf - as "a broken man, spending his days pacing his study in his uniform and green beret".
"I am not broken! I am not within one hundred miles of broken!"
He refused to talk to the paper and friends said he may never go out in public again. "The family are worried he is going out of his mind", it reported one friend as saying.
He can't be going out of his mind. To do that, he'd have to have a mind to go out of.
Al-Sahaf was dubbed "Comical Ali" after his outrageous denials of the US-led advance into Iraq. He told the world there were no US troops in Baghdad while TV viewers watched American tanks roll through the Iraqi capital's streets.
Posted by: Mike 2003-06-01