
Syria accuses Israel of stealing 400 million cubic meters of Syrian water
Syrian Assistant Minister of Irrigation Sulaiman Rammah said Monday that Israel steals 400 million cubic meters of water annually from Golan Heights and deprives locals from drinking water. Rammah told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that Israel steals water to attract new Jewish settlers and increase farms, asserting the importance of an international law that regulates water division between the source and countries using this source. He added that Israel controls four rivers and steals most of their waters, considered as the main source of the Jordan River waters, noting that Israel has been stealing Golan waters since 1967.
I hear the Zionists even boil the water down and skim off all the tiny Syrian flags, then rehydrate the water and use it to bake their matzo...
On Tigris and Euphrates waters, the official said that relationships between Syria and Turkey and Iraq are good and there are meetings between Syrian Minister of Irrigation Nadir Al-Buni and his Iraqi and Turkish counterparts to discuss division of water of the two rivers. On water issues between Syria and Jordan, Rammah said the two countries are establishing a water dam on Yarmouk River, noting that the two countries have been holding periodical meetings to complete the project. The two countries signed the water dam agreement in 1987 but it was not executed before February 2004 due to some obstacles that hindered the project, such as the Israeli threats to bomb the project,
I could see where that might cause a problem
and financial issues with the World Bank. The agreement states that Jordan benefits from most of the waters for drinking and irrigation, while the Syrian side benefits from electric power generated by the power plants in the dam. The Kuwait-based Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the Abu Dhabi Fund will finance 18 percent of the water dam project as loans, while the Jordanian government covers the remaining costs.
Water is even more critical than oil, and there are absolutely no alternatives. Water, or certain death.

Posted by: Seafarious 2006-04-25