
Wicked Wednesday Wrapup
A string of suicide bombings and shooting attacks strike the Gaza Strip, Sinai and Egypt in rapid succession Wednesday. Information is still sketchy. DEBKAfile’s sources have some details on the confused sequence of violent outbreaks that occurred two days after a triple al Qaeda bombing attack devastated the Dahab coastal resort in eastern Sinai, killing at least 34 people and injuring 70.

Wednesday’s attacks began when Palestinian police stopped two cars, one booby-trapped, from crashing their barrier at the Karni goods crossing from Gaza into Israel. There was a shoot-out with five terrorists.

Next, two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the El Arish base in northern Sinai of the Multinational Observer force. One hit a car carrying peacekeepers to their base. The second rode a motorcycle which blew up as Egyptian security and aid units arrived on the scene. Two peacekeepers were injured – a New Zealander and a Norwegian - and two Egyptian policemen. The MFO force was set up in 1981 to monitor Sinai’s demilitarization under the Israel-Egyptian peace treaty.

Finally, a group of gunmen stormed a police station in the Egyptian town of Balbit south of Ismailiya on the east bank of the Suez Canal. The Egyptian authorities deny this attack took place. No further details are available.
Posted by: Steve 2006-04-26