
Asad involved in Pearl’s murder
MULTAN: Qari Asad was closely linked with Al Qaeda and trained the killers of Daniel Pearl, Deputy Superintendent Police Owais Malik told an anti-terrorism court on Friday. “Qari Asad also planed suicide attacks in different parts of the country. He trained about 1500 people in the last nine years. This was after he ran away from Shehr Sultan where he killed six people by planting a bomb in an Imam Bargah in January 1994,” Malik added. The DSP refused to answer questions raised by journalists who were waiting for him outside the courtroom. However, he claimed that Asad “will help the police in apprehending Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives hiding in different parts of Pakistan”. He also confessed he was not sure if Asad would prove helpful in catching Bin Laden or Mullah Omar.
My guess would be not, but go ahead and see what you can get...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-01