
Pakistani girl shot 4 times survives honour killing
KARACHI - Relatives of a 14-year-old Pakistani girl kidnapped her and shot her four times in an attempted ’honour killing’, a senior police officer said on Wednesday. Nur Jehan was shot in the stomach, leg, knee and arm outside Karachi and left for dead by her cousins, who accused her of having sex with a young man.

Lying in a government hospital ward protected by armed policemen, she told Reuters how she had been driven to Gadap, a low-income neighbourhood, to be executed. She said she crawled out of the ditch onto a road to scream for help from a passer-by. “They will try to kill me again,” said the waif-like girl.

She also feared for the lives of her parents and siblings, who were also kidnapped by her attackers.

Nur Jehan was declared a “kari”, or black woman, by her cousins who accused her of having sexual relations with a young man in Mirgoldop, a village in the south western province of Baluchistan where her father was a farmer. Investigating police officer Raees Ahmed Ghani said her cousins killed the man with whom she was accused of having sex.
And pray tell, officer, when will you pinch the cousins?
Fearing for his daughter’s life, Nur Jehan’s father moved the family to Karachi after she was declared a “kari”.
Finally, a decent dad in Pak-land.
But on April 19, Nur Jehan was kidnapped and shot. “I fear for my father who didn’t want to kill me when the relatives declared me a kari,” she said.
Posted by: Steve White 2006-04-27