
Demonstrators killed in Harare - Zim-Bob-We Report
And so it starts
Two opposition demonstrators were shot and killed in the Zimbabwe capital Harare today, according to unconfirmed reports. The opposition Movement for Democratic Change, which has organised a week of protests against President Robert Mugabe’s regime, said members of the army and police opened fire on peaceful demonstrators in the Highfields district of Harare. “There are, as yet unconfirmed, reports that two people have been killed. An MDC youth has a bullet wound in his leg,” said the MDC. “In the centre of Harare, MDC MP Edwin Mushoriwa was brutally attacked by the police and is being treated in hospital,” said a spokesman.
The big strike will be brutally put down
Unless they've finally reached the tipping point, in which Bob and Grace will end up swinging by the heels or leaving town in the dead of night, clutching the remains of the national treasury. After those events, there can be another bloodbath, this time with ZANU-PF as the targets, and Amnesia International can wring its hands and try to figure where we're to blame. Is this the tipping point? Stay tuned, for the continuing sto-o-o-o-ry of... BOB AND GRACE!

Posted by: Frank G 2003-06-02