
Militant commander arrested in Afghanistan
The Afghan Army has arrested a former jihadi commander and opponent of the present government in eastern parts of the country. Commander Najibullah was arrested in the Monogay area of the mountainous Kunar province, where the US and Afghan forces are carrying out an anti-insurgents operation "Mountain Lion" over the past two weeks.

Afghan Defence Ministry's spokesman Zahir Azimi, in a statement released on Thursday evening, said the commander was arrested by their units in a raid. He was said to be one of the close aides of Gulbudddin Hekmatyar, former mujahideen prime minister and warlord, who is on top of the US' list of "most wanted men". Najibullah was a deputy minister during Taliban era in Kabul. He was hiding and allegedly taking part in anti-government insurgency in the area, said the statement. It added the man was being investigated and they were expecting valuable information about Gulbuddin and other fugitive leaders.
It would be nice to catch Hek, though a suspect the bodies from the Dog Eat Dog are too cold now for us to expect a proper and swift hanging.

Posted by: Fred 2006-04-28