
Iran’s Ahmadinejad pours scorn on UN
TEHERAN - Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has poured fresh scorn on the United Nations and boasted Iran could soon become a “superpower”, official media said on Friday as the regime defied demands to freeze sensitive nuclear work.
OK, we all agree on the "scorn" part...
“Iran does not give a damn about such resolutions,” the firebrand president said in a speech on Thursday in the north province of Zanjan. “The bullies of the world should no that nuclear energy is a national demand, and thank God our nation is a nuclear nation today,” the official news agency IRNA quoted him as saying.

The UN Security Council had set Teheran a non-binding 30-day deadline -- which ran out on Friday -- to comply with previous International Atomic Energy Agency resolution to halt uranium enrichment work. Iran has refused to comply, arguing that it only wants to make reactor fuel and not the core of a nuclear bomb.

“The Iranian nation’s achievement of peaceful nuclear energy is so important that it could change the world equation,” Ahmadinejad told one of several rallies in the province. “The Islamic republic of Iran has the capacity to quickly become a world superpower,” he said. “If we believe in ourselves... no other power can be compared to us. “We do not need weapons or military expeditions, because our position in the world is rising and Iran’s words have now influenced all the world’s equations,” the firebrand leader asserted.

According to the ISNA news agency, he also promised that Iran would “soon have more good news” on its nuclear drive. The last time Ahmadinejad promised “good news” was earlier this month, when he went on to announce that Iranian scientists and successfully enriched uranium to make reactor fuel and declared the Islamic republic had “joined the nuclear club”.
Atta-boy, just keep pouring gasoline on that fire
IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei was set to report Friday that Iran has failed to meet the UN deadline to stop enriching uranium, paving the way for possible sanctions against a defiant Teheran. The United States has also not ruled out taking military action.
Posted by: Steve 2006-04-28