
Nation of Aztlan on alert
Michelle Malkin has received, via a tipster, a bizarre message from the radical ethnic separatists of La Voz de Aztlan.
From: la-voz-de-aztlan-admin@aztlan.net To: la-voz-de-aztlan@aztlan.net Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 20:27:37 -0700 Subject: [La Voz de Aztlan] URGENT ALERT: From The Revolutionary Council and Provisional Government of Aztlan
Dear La Voz de Aztlan Subscribers:

We have received the following communique from the
Minister of Information of the Nation of Aztlan. We rarely
receive any communiques from the "Revolutionary Council
and Provisional Government of Aztlan" so we must assume
that it is of upmost importance. We urge that you carefully
consider the information that it contains. Please pass this
to others in your network!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

URGENT ALERT: From The Revolutionary Council and
Provisional Government of Aztlan

April 26, 2006

Estimada Raza de Aztlan and Beyond,

Our Director of Special Intelligence Services has brought
to our attention disturbing information that threatens the
safety of our families. This information requires that we
prepare a defense strategy to protect our communities.

Due to the recent large demonstrations of our people in
major cities in occupied Anahuac, extremist European
invaders are preparing violent actions against us.
They are expected to use physical violence in the upcoming
marches and rallies planned for May 1, 2006 and we must
take steps to protect our families.

The Director of Special Intelligence Services has reliable
information that anti-Mexican forces in Aztlan and in
certain other area of Anahuac, are preparing to utilize
explosives and snipers to kill our people. We urge our
community to arm themselves to protect our families. We
are also urging our soldiers presently serving In Iraq,
Afghanistan and other foreign lands to do everything
possible to return home and fight for your own. The
situation here is critical.

In addition, all political prisoners shall be in constant
alert and ready for action. Also, youth groups in our
barrios shall call truces and direct their energies against
the racist enemy that has vowed to annihilate our families.

Our Prime Minister is instructing every able bodied male to
arm himself to protect the women and children in his home.
We can not depend on local White law enforcement
authorities because in many cases they will join the
criminal elements and participate in the slaughter of our
people. Make sure you have weapons and plenty of
ammunition in your homes at the ready.

Criminal racist elements have already made death threats
against certain "occupation administrators" and they will
not stop at killing our civilians. We hope that the
massacres of Mexicans that the White criminals have vowed
to undertake are just the rantings of cowardly insane minds
but we must take these threats seriously.

Minister of Information
Nation of Aztlan
La Voz de Aztlan

Occupied Anahuac includes the colonial nations of Canada, U.S., Mexico (also controlled by Europeans), and "Central America" (down to include "Costa Rica", which are also controlled by Europeans). It sez so right here, so it must be true. Read down to find the obligitory Haliburton/Cheney consentration camp link.
Posted by: Steve 2006-04-28