
US wants quick UN action on Iran
The United States and Britain said on Friday they would step up pressure on Iran by moving quickly on a U.N. Security Council resolution seeking to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions, despite objections from China.

U.S. Ambassador John Bolton and British Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry were responding to a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency that said Iran had ignored a March council statement demanding Tehran suspend uranium enrichment, a process used in making bombs as well as electric power And glow in the dark watches!.

"I think it is clear that Iran has done Pretty much whatever the hell it wants nothing to comply with existing IAEA board resolutions or the requests in the Security Council statement" of last month, Bolton said.

"The point is to enhance international pressure on Iran, to show just how isolated they are," Bolton said. "There is still time for Iran to reverse the policy it is pursuing."

Jones Parry said his delegation would introduce a draft resolution on the IAEA report by the middle of next week.

But the initial resolution will not threaten sanctions or hint at military force.

Instead it will put directives by the 35-member IAEA board of governors and the March council statement into a U.N. resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which makes it legally binding. The resolution would also say that Iran's nuclear program was a threat to "international peace and security," Bolton said.
Ya, that has worked SOOOO well in the past, hasn't it? Rest of drivel at link.
Posted by: Greretle Elmaise9763 2006-04-28