
Verdict date set - 'Arms case fabricated'
KUWAIT CITY, June 2: Lawyers [for the defendants] told the Criminal Court the case against their clients - four men accused of trading in unlicensed and prohibited arms and ammunition - is a pure fabrication and the entire case should be dismissed and interrogations with his clients cancelled because their clients had tried in vain to get their lawyers to attend the interrogations sessions at the Prosecution. The Criminal Court set June 16, 2003, to issue a verdict against - Ali Abdullah Hamad Al-Hamidi (aged 42), Khalifa Hilal Hadi Al-Dihani (aged 53), Ibrahim Mubarak Fahad Al-Ghanim (aged 46) and Talal Hamad Mohamed Al-Faresi (aged 35). Attorney Al-Munawer told the court the Prosecution interrogated the suspects without allowing their lawyers to attend the sessions on the pretext the sessions were secret. Al-Munawer added the case should not have been dealt with as a SSD case. ‘It is one of the hundreds of cases of unlicensed arms that crop up in Kuwait every day," he pointed out.
"Yer honor, my client ain't no terrorist supplier! All his clients told 'im they wuz goin' huntin' elk..."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-02