
26 holidaymakers drown in Keenjhar Lake
HYDERABAD, Pakistan: Rescuers have retrieved the bodies of 26 holidaymakers who were drowned Sunday when their overloaded canoe boat capsized in Thatta district’s Keenjhar Lake.
You can do that with a bus, usually. It doesn't work with boats...
“There could now be one or two more bodies under water, as the exact number of people who were on board is not known,” police official Ramzan Sangijo said. There were no survivors and a search is underway for more victims, he added. An official source said emergency had been declared in the district following the incident and divers had been hired to search for the remaining bodies.
Those turbans get wet, they'll drag you right down. And it's even worse with a burka. Glad I had to wash my hair that day...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-02