
Attempted hijacker had been dumped by sweetie
The man accused of stabbing two flight attendants during a mid-air hijack attempt in Australia last week had just been jilted by his lover, newspaper reports said Monday. David Mark Robinson, 40, had also recently learned that his 66-year-old father was dying of cancer in England, The Australian newspaper reported.
Yep. I remember many years ago, when my Dad passed away, the plane I hijacked... ummm... didn't happen.
Robinson has been charged with trying to hijack a Qantas flight carrying 53 people from Melbourne to Launceston on the island state of Tasmania on Thursday. The Australian quoted friends and neighbors of Robinson in Melbourne as saying he had recently been dumped by a girlfriend who lives in Launceston and had frequently visited her. "He said it had ended and I think that really hit him hard. He seemed very distracted by it," a neighbor who asked not to be named told the Sydney Daily Telegraph.
Maybe she thought he was, like, wierd?
"Honey, I'm gonna go out in the back yard and sharpen some stakes."
"Ummm... David Mark? I think we should talk..."
Friends also said Robinson had just learned of his father's cancer during a trip back to his native England at Easter. Police have said Robinson explained the reasons for his action to them, but they have not made his motives public other than to say the hijack attempt was not related to terrorism.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-03