
Islamist terror groups plot against Aussie Jewish Businessman
Mining magnate Joe Gutnick says he no longer feels his life is in danger after learning he was the target of an assassination plot by al-Qaeda backed terrorists. Mr Gutnick, a prominent supporter of anti-Palestinian policies in Israel, also said he was not the sole target of the al-Qaeda backed assassination plot before the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US. "This same person was attempting to blow up the Israeli embassy in Canberra and the Israeli consulate in Sydney so I wasn't only targeted."

The Melbourne businessman said the other targets named made him doubt that he was singled out because of his support for Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories, or his financial backing of the Israeli government. "I think there was more than that," he told ABC's AM program. Mr Gutnick said he was told of the plan to bomb his house, synagogue or company offices in St Kilda, Melbourne, by Australian Federal Police (AFP) in December last year. Mr Gutnick, an orthodox Jew, told The Australian newspaper that one man had profiles on his companies, and knew where he lived and prayed. Maps and other evidence in the death plot were discovered during raids by ASIO on suspected members of Jemaah Islamiah in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth last October, the newspaper said.
Amazingly, on SBS television news, they did not even report that actual evidence of planning had been found. They made out like it was just the crazy unfounded claims of a "controversial businessman" which intelligence operatives found "surprising". They are constantly trying to play down the threat of Islamist groups to the point of flagrant self-censorship and the omission of fact.
The AFP declined to comment on the matter because it was the subject of court proceedings. Mr Gutnick, a former president of AFL club Melbourne, said he did not know why he was targeted. "You're dealing with maniacs and it could be for a multitude of reasons," he said. "Could have been at that time in the year 2000 I was high profile, it could have been because of my associations with Israel, it could have been because I was a well-known Australian and ... being Jewish." Although he was "more than a bit shocked and alarmed" by the plot, Mr Gutnick said he was in constant contact with the AFP and did not feel his life was in danger. "They did convey to me they were on top of the situation," he said. "If there was any danger now they'd act appropriately. I've got on with my life and my family have got on with their life and we have adequate security at this stage."

Mr Gutnick said he opposed United States president George W Bush's road map for peace in the Middle East. "Everyone hopes that it will lead to peace but I certainly think that it's not going to happen," he said. "It will take generations for these two people living side by side to come to a peace agreement. Only when violence will stop will there be a chance for peace."
SBS made a big deal out of his views on the roadmap, repeating twice for emphasis that he called it the 'roadmap to hell' and not really giving him a chance to explain what he meant by that.
Posted by: Anon1 2003-06-05