
Saudi Arabia wins UN human rights seat
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Five nations seen by rights groups as among the world’s worst abusers were elected along with 39 other countries to the United Nations’ new Human Rights Council in a first round of voting on Tuesday.

Russia, China, Cuba, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, identified by New York-based Human Rights Watch as unworthy of membership on the new U.N. body, were among those winning seats. ...

Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth said it was inevitable some rights foes would win seats but “the important step is that we have made real progress” over the discredited Human Rights Commission, shut down in March.

“It doesn’t guarantee that the council will be a success, but it is a step in the right direction,” Roth said.
I pretty much take for granted that anything the UN does will not be a success, but it is a step in the right direction. A step towards getting the freaken UN out of the US!
Posted by: DarthVader 2006-05-09