
Blix: U.N. Inspectors Are Ready for Iraq
Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix has said his search teams are ready to return to Iraq to pursue new leads and try to answer outstanding questions about Saddam Hussein's programs for weapons of mass destruction - but the United States doesn't want their help.
Your fifteen minutes were up a long time ago, Blixie. Go home!
Blix, who is finally retiring after his contract ends on June 30, will present his final report to the Security Council on Thursday. The issue of future U.N. inspections is almost certain to be raised - especially since U.S.-led teams have found no illegal weapons so far after visiting more than 230 suspected sites over the past 11 weeks. The failure of U.S. teams to find any nuclear, chemical or biological weapons has become a major issue in Washington, London and other international capitals since Saddam's possession of banned weapons was one of the main U.S. and British justification for invading Iraq. In his report to the council on Monday, Blix said his teams found no evidence Iraq had chemical or biological weapons during 3 1/2 months of inspections, but they still had many questions and leads to follow-up when their searches were suspended just before the United States attacked in March. Blix said U.N. inspectors didn't have time to follow up on some late information provided by Saddam's government. The Security Council, in a resolution adopted May 22 that lifted economic sanctions against Iraq and authorized the U.S.-led administration of the country, left the issue of future U.N. weapons inspections unclear. But it reaffirmed that "Iraq must meet its disarmament obligations" and said the council would discuss the inspectors' mandate later. In his report, Blix said his inspectors are ready to resume work, to confirm any findings since their departure, and to continue monitoring Iraq's chemical and biological weapons programs.
Don't call us, and we won't call you.
Many council members would like to see U.N. inspectors return, including Britain, the closest U.S. ally, but the Bush administration has insisted it will conduct its own searches.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-06-05