
We're gonna be moving...
Here's the latest on hosting. I got the bill covering April, and it was higher than last month's. Bandwidth usage is running at about three times what we're contracted for, and Hostway charges an arm and the greater part of a leg for going over. Contributions to clear up the mess are, of course, most welcome.

Our new server is now physically residing at Velocity Server, in beautiful downtown Baltimore, about 15 minutes from my house, just in case anything goes wrong. No address changes should be required. The machine itself is no great shakes, but it's my own hardware, and I can configure it as I please. Currently, it's got Rantburg, Thugburg, the Organizations page and nothing else. The deal comes with 100 GB of bandwidth, ten times what I've been overpaying for, which is a bit less than twice our peak monthly usage of 53 GB. I'm debugging now, and the Burg will be down for about an hour, probably around midnight tonight. In the course of the next few months, I'll be migrating us to a more robust database, either mySQL or SQL Server 2000.

If I do everything right, you guys shouldn't notice a thing. Trouble is, I've never done a major changeover like this without something going wrong, so if you try to connect sometime and find nobody home, just curse and give it a few minutes before you try again.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-05