
American taliban strike E3
Missing: scantily-clad females hawking the latest in electronic toys for the boys. The video game industry's annual trade show in Los Angeles opened its doors to its exhibitors on Wednesday with organizers ordering women staffing the booths to cover up or face a $5,000 fine.
How about Burkas? That work for you, assholes?
Banned are nudity fine, partial nudity ok, bikini bottoms or any sexually explicit or provocative conduct Here we run into problems since some people think showing an ankle is sexually explicit., according to the handbook from The Entertainment Software Association, or ESA, which owns and operates the E3 Expo.

Pauline K, who declined to give her last name, wore a white shredded tank top with an exposed midriff, short mini skirt and knee-high leggings as she handed out fliers for a company that makes custom face plates for Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 game machine.
She had a nice smile too.
She said another of the models received a warning from show organizers for showing too much skin. "Apparently her cleavage was a little too distracting," she said.
That is why most guys go to E3, moron.
In January, the ESA outlined tough new penalties to enforce Koran decency rules. Exhibitors get a verbal warning for a first violation and a second violation carries a $5,000 fine.
And are stoned to death on the third
"Last year there were a lot of complaints about how the models were beyond, in many cases, what was decent," said ESA President Douglas Lowenstein on Monday.

Despite the new rules, there was no shortage of exposed skin, patent leather and knee-high boots. Many exhibitors dressed women like video game heroines and there was a group of women wearing sexy nurses' outfits.
"They're wearing slightly more clothes this year," said Gail Salamanica, an exhibitor at the show, "But not much."
Ok, news flash morons. People who are not part of the industry go to E3 for the booth babes, food and free swag. All the new and hottest demos are on the web in a day anyway. We don't go to E3 for the demos. Swag, food and babes. Got it? Otherwise E3 will go by-by as people stop coming.
We had this problem with medical conferences some years back. I remember going to a lung conference and seeing some outrageous outfits on the babes dolls arm-candy women who were 'demonstrating' exercise testing equipment. What put a complete stop to it were women physicians walking up to the vendor booths and informing the reps there that they would never, ever purchase anything from their companies until this changed. It's for the better, I think, at least for medical conventions.

Posted by: DarthVader 2006-05-11