
Israel resumes Palestinian fuel supplies
The Israeli company that provides fuel to the Palestinian territories resumed supplies Friday as motorists rushed to tank up after a three-day stoppage that saw some petrol stations run dry. "Supplies have resumed. We have already received 1.5 million litres (330,000 gallons) at our depots this morning," Mujahid Salameh, head of the state-owned General Petroleum Corp (GPC) told AFP. Queues quickly formed in the West Bank town of Ramallah at petrol stations where GPC tankers dropped of early morning supplies and where business is typically sleepy on the weekly day of rest and prayers.

Dor-Alon, the main supplier of fuel to the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank, had stopped supplies early Tuesday, on the grounds of an unpaid debt of 120 million shekels (27 million dollars). If post-dated Palestinian Authority cheques to Dor-Alon were added to the amount in arrears, the debt would climb to 88 million dollars, Salameh said.
Posted by: Fred 2006-05-13