
Ahmadinejad: EU talks relic of 'colonialist world'
Iran said on Sunday it would reject any demand to stop what it calls peaceful nuclear work, a day before Europe's foreign ministers discuss incentives and penalties designed to rein in Tehran's atomic ambitions. "Any proposal that obliges us to stop peaceful (nuclear) activities would not have value and would not be valid," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech broadcast on state television. His remarks came on the eve of an EU foreign ministers meeting to work out prospective technical, trade and political incentives that would be offered to Iran in exchange for halting uranium enrichment.

Ahmadinejad accused the Europeans of living in a "colonialist world" and said Tehran would not accept decisions reached in Brussels. "If they want to decide things that concern us in a place where we are not present, then that body does not have any legal validity or credibility in decision-making," Ahmadinejad said.
Posted by: Fred 2006-05-15