
Muslim hardship under spotlight (UK)
Many Muslims in England face bleak employment prospects and endure poor standards of housing, a government-backed study has found. The report revealed Muslims are more likely than any other faith group to be jobless and living in poor conditions. It said half of Muslims aged over 25 are unemployed and one in three live in the most deprived areas of England.
Cue the violins of the BBC Symphony Orchestra.
University researchers in Birmingham, Derby, Oxford, and Warwick also found they had poorer levels of education.
The result of only being allowed to read the one book?
The study, commissioned to review the prospects of faith communities in England, also said Muslims were more vulnerable to long-term illness.
Presumably mental?

I'm glad muslims don't drink so when I go to the pub I don't have to hear them go on about how hard done by they are... wonder how many of the 50% are making fraudulent benefit claims whilst working - would seem blatantly obvious. Would you hire one? - I certainly wouldn't.
Posted by: Howard UK 2006-05-15