
'Hate books' are not seditious
One side is at war, terrorist, military, cultural, religious, subversive, demographic,... while the other pretends it's not.
FEDERAL authorities have ruled that books promoting suicide bombings and anti-Australian conspiracies can be sold in the Muslim community because they don't breach sedition laws.

In the first known test of anti-terrorism laws, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions ruled that a number of controversial books found in bookstores in Lakemba and Auburn, in Sydney's west, late last year did not incite violence.
One of the books, Defence of the Muslim Lands, carried an endorsement from al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden on its back cover and promoted "wiring up one's body" with explosives, News Limited reported.

AFP spokeswoman Rebecca Goddard said the books were not in breach of either the Commonwealth Criminal Code or the NSW Crime Act 1900.

"No action will be taken by the AFP against individuals who possess copies of the 'books of hate' or sell them," Ms Goddard was quoted as saying.

A spokeswoman for Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said the minister accepted the judgment of the AFP.

The ruling comes despite British police establishing strong links between three of the suicide bombers involved in July 7 London blasts and a bookstore in Leeds.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-05-15