
The Songs Nelson Mandela & others Sing about Killing Whites...
I finally had a chance to get a copy of the short documentary, "The Songs They sing". It is about the political songs the blacks in S.Africa sing. I watched it a few times and listened carefully and now I'm happy that the translations are correct.

For example, I was able to pick up words which I knew the meaning of (like "blala" for example), and I could compare that with the text. And yes, they are singing about killing whites. Then there are some songs sung in english, and there the words are clear. For example, one song goes "Kill the Boers, kill the racists".

The acting of the blacks, which goes along with the songs is also clear. They sing "i-soldier", and they pretend to march like soldiers, etc.

In another song, called "the axe song" (which has many variations), they sing about "chopping us down". They sing about chopping down "De Klerk" our former president.
Any songs about necklacing?
In another song they sing in english "We hate you to death Botha" and "We hate you to death Malan".

The documentary is very short, only 12 minutes. I'd like to put it up on my site. I must just get it into an appropriate format, plus it will be a good one to do a photo story on.

One of the scenes is quite staggering... you see a crowd... a HUGE CROWD... just running down an avenue singing that chopping song. It is awe inspiring... imagine that same crowd coming to kill us... It is quite scary stuff.

One of the best moments ever, caught on film, shows Nelson Mandela. I have said in the past that the communists taught the blacks to talk like Liberal Democrats in English, but in the black languages to be honest and direct. Well, in one scene, Nelson Mandela is at a funeral singing a song, the Xhosa words are, "kill the ama bhulu (whites)". Then, after this, a journalist asks him for his thoughts and he then talks about the desire for peace! It is brilliant, caught on tape. But just seconds before, he was standing there singing about killing the whites!!

I was suggesting to Cliff Saunders that I would have liked to see a full-length documentary done on these political songs which the blacks in S.Africa sing. Talk about HATE SPEECH... You've never seen anything like it. A massive crowd, just singing their hearts out, and the song is all about killing, chopping or destroying us whites. I think that alone would make for a fascinating topic which should be taken to the constitutional court of this country. Those songs should actually be banned. The problem is, 70% of this country's population sing these songs - even today!
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-05-15