
Norway considers translating anthem...into Ůrdu
A proposal to translate Norway's national anthem into a language used by many of the country's immigrants is stirring controversy. Opponents claim those who can't understand the Norwegian lyrics should just hum along instead. During a week that brings out huge displays of patriotism in Norway, because of Constitution Day celebrations on the 17th of May, debate is brewing over a move to write an Urdu version of the Norwegian national anthem.
The editor of a newspaper for minorities in Norway, Utrop, floated the anthem translation proposal in the national newspaper Vårt Land this week. The idea is that an Urdu version of the anthem would allow many immigrants from Pakistan, for example, to watch the dhimmis dance on a string more easily express their love for Norway.
"Ja, ja, ve luff dear old Norge, just as long as you keep the jizya rolling in, keep yer infidel eyes'n'hands to yerselves, and keep your mouths shut as we prepare the way for Caliph Krekar. And by the way, anthems are un-islamic. So don't bother."
The title of Norway's national anthem is, after all, "Ja vi elsker," which in English translates to "Yes we love (this country)." Norway's most evil conservative party, the Progress Party, was quick to slam the proposal. "This is integration in reverse," claimed Per-Willy Amundsen, the Progress Party spokesman on issues dealing with immigration. The "best gift" immigrants can give to "their new homeland," argued Amundsen, is to learn Norwegian. He has no sympathy for immigrants who have problems singing the national anthem in Norwegian. "It just takes practice to learn it," he claimed. "Those who are new to the country can hum along while we others sing." Progress Party staff may need to tune up their own knowledge of the anthem, however. In a press release issued by the party on the issue, the anthem's title was misspelled as "Ja vil elsker," which some might take to mean "I want to love," instead of "Ja vi elsker."
Gôtcha, stupid conservatives!

Posted by: Seafarious 2006-05-17