
Lawyer shoots judges in Turkish court
ANKARA, Turkey (CNN) -- At least five judges were wounded when an attorney opened fire in Turkey's top administrative court, according to the state-run Anatolia news agency. The judges were holding a daily meeting on Wednesday morning when the gunman burst into court's second chamber and fired his weapon. Police captured him as he tried to escape. The incident took place in the Turkish capital of Ankara.

According to witnesses, the lawyer shouted, "Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest). His anger will be upon you!" At least one of the judges received life-threatening wounds and was in surgery, according to Ugur Erdener, the Director of Hacettepe Hospital.

The court had come under widespread criticism for a recent ruling that said public employees and teachers cannot wear headscarves while at work. Tansel Colasan, deputy head of the administrative court, the Council of State, was quoted by The Associated Press as saying the attacker shouted, "I am the soldier of God," and said he was carrying out the attack to protest the court decision on headscarves.
Posted by: Chinter Flarong9283 2006-05-17