
Israel Dismantles Settlement Outpost in West Bank
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - Israeli troops began dismantling an uninhabited West Bank settlement outpost Monday, taking a first step toward meeting part of its obligations under a U.S.-backed peace plan. The outpost is one of dozens dotting isolated hills in the West Bank whose removal is called for by the ``road map'' to Palestinian statehood by 2005. However, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - facing growing opposition from his constituents - has been evasive about whether he would remove all outposts targeted in the plan.
This one sounds like the free space on the bingo card.
After settler leaders refused to remove the outpost themselves, soldiers moved in and tore down the empty trailers at Newe Erez South outside the Palestinian town of Ramallah. Settlers did not resist. ``We won't lay a hand on soldiers. They're our brothers,'' settler leader Yehoshua Mor-Yosef said. But, he added, ``if we are evacuated, we'll return the night after and establish 10 new outposts.'' Meanwhile, Palestinian Pseudo Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas was struggling to implement a key obligation under the plan - reining in anti-Israeli violence. Abbas said Monday he would not use force against militant groups under any circumstances, despite their stated determination to derail the peace plan with attacks on Israelis, including two weekend shootings that killed five soldiers.
In other words, he won't rein them in. Oh well, we tried.
Abbas defended himself against complaints at home that he has been too conciliatory to Israel, including in a speech at a Mideast summit last week, and that Israel has given little in return. In his first news conference since taking office April 30, Abbas said he has coordinated every move with degenerate terrorist leader Yasser Arafat - a barb at the veteran leader who has said the summit yielded no achievements. Abbas reiterated his condemnation of violence, including Sunday's shooting attacks. ``We must do our utmost to end the bloodshed,'' he said.
"Well, short of actually having us disarm Hamas, that is."
Neve Erez South appeared to be the first of over a dozen Jewish settler outposts the military plans to remove in coming days. Army commanders met Monday with settler leaders, gave them a list of outposts - 14 of them, mostly uninhabited, according to press reports - and asked them to remove the sites voluntarily. Settler leaders said they would not cooperate, but would not use violence in confronting soldiers. Neve Erez South consisted of two empty trailers, the Israeli settlement watchdog group Peace Now said. The outpost is about 200 meters from another settler enclave where several families have been living in shipping containers for the past three years, the group said.
Doesn't sound like much of a life.
Sharon, a major settlement builder in his career, said Monday he was determined to carry out the peace plan despite opposition from his own supporters, including activists from his Likud party who booed him at a convention Sunday. ``It wasn't easy,'' Sharon said. ``Yesterday, at the Likud convention it was even harder, but this is the policy I have decided on and I will implement it.''
Hey Abbas, this is called "leadership." You might take a lesson.
Under the road map, Israel has to dismantle dozens of outposts established since Sharon came to power in March 2001. According to Peace Now, there are 102 outposts with about 1,000 residents, including 62 outposts built since Sharon took office. Sharon never promised explicitly to remove all 62 and has acknowledged he has differences with the United States on the issue. His aides have said a distinction would be made between outposts considered legal and illegal, suggesting there would be less than full compliance. The degree of resistance to the removal of isolated outposts will show how much of a fight settlers will put up in the event of a final peace deal, in which Israel would have to remove larger settlements. About 220,000 settlers live in 150 settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, the lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 war and claimed by the Palestinians for their future state.

In the first stage of the peace plan, the Palestinians are required to disarm and dismantle militant terrorist groups that have killed hundreds of Israelis in the past 32 months of fighting. Palestinian terrorist militias have said they will not halt attacks on Israelis, and last week announced they are stopping contacts with Abbas on a cease-fire. The militants said Sunday's shootings, including a rare joint attack by three militias on an army outpost in Gaza, are meant to underscore their determination to derail the peace plan. Four soldiers were killed in the Gaza attack, and a fifth in an ambush in the West Bank city of Hebron later Sunday. Abbas said Monday that he will not order a crackdown on the militias under any circumstances because he wants to avoid getting whacked civil war. ``There is absolutely no substitute for dialogue,'' Abbas said, adding he still believes the armed groups would change their minds.
Who's more delusional: Abbas or the followers of Rachel Corrie. Discuss.
Abbas did not elaborate. However, Palestinian officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Egyptian intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, is working to restart cease-fire talks. Suleiman presided over previous truce efforts earlier this year. Abbas said Monday that he is pressing ahead with the peace plan. In veiled criticism of the militants, Abbas said: ``The suffering of the Palestinians should not be dealt with by murdering children incitement. It needs real solutions.'' However, there was no sign of compromise. Palestinians will not ``surrender to the pressure exerted by Israel and the United States of America,'' Abdel Aziz Rantissi, a Hamas leader, said Sunday. ``We are unified in the trenches of resistance.''
Stay put in that trench Abdel, whilst I fire up the 'dozer.
There has been widespread grumbling among Palestinians that despite Abbas' moderate speech, Israel has not reciprocated. Palestinians had expected a quick easing of an Israeli travel ban and the lifting of other restrictions. However, the closure has remained in effect, in part because of renewed attacks by militants.
That "cause and effect" disconnect is still there, Fred. Hasn't budged a millimeter.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-06-09