
Cronkite: And that’s the way Bush is – arrogant
Walter Cronkite, the former CBS news anchor who advocates the U.S. giving up sovereignty and the creation of a U.N. standing army, is now getting a nationally syndicated newspaper column to air his views.
Hey, why hint around? Walt just comes right out and says he wants American sovreignty abandoned.
Editor and Publisher reports the 86-year-old is slated to begin writing a weekly opinion piece for King Features Syndicate this August, after having rejected previous offers to write commentaries. Why the change of heart?
Oh yes, do tell. We're waiting with bated breath...
In a statement released by King, Cronkite says he's troubled by "our bellicose military policy; our arrogant foreign policy; our domestic security policy that threatens our freedom of speech, press, and person; and our financial policy that many if not most economists believe threatens a national deficit deep into this century."
Your standard leftist response. At least he's true to form.
Glenn Mott, managing editor of King, told E&P Online that Cronkite's liberal voice will give newspapers an alternative to conservative voices distributed by his and other syndicates.
As for his "liberal voice" giving newspapers an alternative; wake up Alice, you're dreaming. Our media is dominated by noted, out-spoken liberals. What masturbatory B.S.
"He's seen many of the major events of the past century – and probably known every president since Franklin Roosevelt," said Mott. "He has historical perspective and credibility."
I fail to see how being old gives you more credibility.
Experience, certainly. But there are millions who experienced the same events that Cronkite did. Thousands who also have known these same presidents. How is he more credible than those who are elderly, experienced the same things, but didn't report for CBS? Are they implying that his reporting for CBS makes him more credible? I'd say that's highly suspect, at least.

In recent years, he's been noted for his globalist views in numerous speeches.
No, surely you jest!
In a speech at the United Nations in 1999, Cronkite said the first step toward achieving a one-world government is to strengthen the U.N.
One World Government is the goal? Where the hell have I been? I thought the goal was world peace, feeding the children, and environmental rescue. How stupid. The goal is one-world Socialism...
"It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace," he said. "To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order."
Yes, we all know how wonderfully the UN model works.
So, all it takes is faith in the "new order"? Count me out, Jack.

He was later asked by the BBC if the United Nations had lived up to his earlier dreams for a "Parliament of Nations." Cronkite responded: "I wouldn't give up on the U.N. yet. I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law. We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military forces to enforce that law and the judicial system to bring the criminals to justice before they have the opportunity to build military forces that use these horrid weapons that rogue nations and movements can get hold of – germs and atomic weapons."
This old reptile makes my skin crawl. What a pinko, Commie bastard.

The money quote of the whole article:
"Walter Cronkite, the former CBS news anchor who advocates the U.S. giving up sovereignty and the creation of a U.N. standing army"
He's "credible" in the Socialist sense. When you're dealing with your media types, I guess that's all that matters. Sorry Walt, your "One World Government" is quickly losing its luster among the unwashed proles. Decades of corruption, genocide, and ineptitude have a tendency to degrade the reputation of an institution like the UN.

Yet another column I won't be reading by another deluded Socialist who espouses views that would enslave the common man while ensuring himself a place in the top echelons of society.

They tried that. It was called the Soviet Union. It failed miserably.

Posted by: Celissa 2003-06-09