
Theaters Warned Trailer For WTC Movie May Be Too Intense
A controversial trailer for Oliver Stone's World Trade Center will unspool for the first time preceding screenings of The Da Vinci code this weekend. Producers reportedly sent theater owners a warning that some members of their audiences might find the images upsetting. Co-producer Stacey Sher told CBS News, "They wanted the theatre owners to know that people might inquire at the box office whether or not the trailer would be shown and then it would be their decision whether they wanted to see it or not." Michael Shamberg, another producer of the film, said, "I think it's an intense recreation of what happened that day and that might be disturbing for people."

The trailer has also been posted on the Internet at http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/wtc.
That link doesn't work, go here. You'll need QuickTime. Trailer looks outstanding to me, maybe, just maybe Oliver Stone didn't screw this one up.

Posted by: Steve 2006-05-19