
No justice in the world: Casto to live to "at least 140"
Cuban dictator President Fidel Castro, who turns 80 this year, enjoys vibrant health and will live to 140, his chief doctor said.
I consider that a good sign. They usually say things like that a couple weeks before the guy dies.
Doctor Eugenio Selman-Housein, who heads Castro's medical team, denied that the longtime leader has Parkinson's disease, as the CIA reportedly believes. "Every day they invent a new one," Selman-Housein said. "He will live 140 years."
"Nothing to see here. Move along..."
Castro's health, once a taboo subject in the communist-led island, has become a topic of rejoicing discussion since he fainted in public in 2001 and slipped and fell before television cameras in October 2004.
"Nurse! He's doing it again!"
Castro, who quit smoking his trademark cigars in 1986, has tormented led Cuba since 1959. He turns 80 on August 13.
Let's hope he doesn't make it.
Posted by: Jackal 2006-05-20