
Islamic Jihad claims Sderot attack
The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for Sunday morning's Kassam rocket attack on a Sderot school, in which a rocket landed in an empty classroom while students were in the synagogue reciting the morning prayers. The classroom and the nearby restrooms sustained heavy damage. According to Army Radio, many parents arrived at the 'Netiv Yeshivati' school in order to take their children home. Shai Yisarel, who was in an eyewitness to the attack, described events at the school, "Suddenly we heard the 'Red Dawn' warning that a Kassam was heading our way. A sharp sound of a whistle followed. This is a miracle and we are all very emotional at present."

In response to the attack Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered senior defense ministry officials to prepare a plan for the immediate protection of schools in Sderot, Israel Radio reported. NU-NRP MK Effi Eitam said Sunday morning in response to the Kassam rocket that landed on a Sderot school that the disengagement from Gaza had turned out to be a "gamble with Sderot children's lives." Eitam added that if Prime Minister Ehud Olmert "intended to risk the children of Kfar Saba and Netanya, it might be better for him to travel to Las Vegas than to Washington."

The IDF responded with artillery fire toward launching areas in northern Gaza, the army and witnesses said. Palestinian medics said that one Palestinian was moderately injured from the artillery. The IDF, however, said troops were not firing at the time the man was hit.

Earlier, another rocket launched from the northern Gaza Strip landed near Gevim junction in the western Negev on Sunday morning. Two women were treated for shock at the scene.

In another incident, Palestinian medics said a Palestinian woman was killed during an IDF raid before dawn Sunday in Nablus. The Aksa Martyrs' Brigades operatives accused IDF troops of firing at the woman as she looked out of her window. The IDF said troops were fired at during an arrest operation but did not return fire. The soldiers later withdrew without making arrests, the IDF reported.

And in more news:
GAZA, May 21 (KUNA) -- A Palestinian civilian was injured Sunday in the town of Beit Hanoun north of Gaza in a rocket attack by Israeli helicopters. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli raid targeted the College of Agriculture of Al-Azhar University in Beit Hanoun.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources reported that Israeli navy ships opened fire against Palestinian fishing boats in the Mediterranean Sea near the Gaza shores. Army sources claimed that two Palestinian boats crossed the three kilometers zone permitted for fishing, forcing Israeli ships opened fire against them as a warning.(end) zt.
Posted by: Steve 2006-05-21