
Defeating Islam
This is excerpted. This is a true evisceration of Allen and Mo. D.E.V.A.S.T.A.T.I.N.G.
By Ali Sina 2006/05/23
In one of my articles I wrote:
I promise that if we continue this campaign of discrediting Islam and Muslim scholars, in no more than a quarter of century, Islam will be defeated. Islam will fall, like communism fell. Mark my words today, even if you think I am nuts. If we all work together, especially the ex-Muslims, we can get rid of Islam sooner than anyone can imagine. Iran is already anti Islamic. More than half of Iranians do not call themselves Muslims anymore.
We are demolishing Islam from its foundation. The edifice seems to be intact. But don't let appearances deceive you. This high tower of lies will come down at once.
I actually agree with this. When Islam is defeated, it will be like the collapse of Naziism. It will all go at once, like a bubble bursting. People will take their turbans off and stare at each other and ask "What were we thinking?" There will be a few pockets left here and there, like there are of fascists, but the whole thing will be dead and its remains viewed with revulsion. I don't know what will follow it — probably something equally vile, in another place and in another guise, something for those who have to believe in something. But that'll be a problem for our grandchildren to worry about, unless the Marshmallow People surrender before we've won, of course.
Let me clarify one misunderstanding in the outset. I have not claimed that “I” will eradicate Islam. I am not a megalomaniac fruitcake with thoughts of grandiosity... I said WE can eradicate Islam if we work at it together and in this I am confident. Where this confidence comes from? I am confident because I know Islam. Islam is nothing but puff and pomposity. It is 1400 years old and it has 1.2 billion followers. Nonetheless it is based on lies. It’s like a tall high-rise built on moving sand. As long as those sands remain in place the edifice will stand on its feet. But as soon as you disturb the sand or remove it from its beneath, the edifice will come down crumbling.

Islam is a lie. Its god is a lie and its prophet was a liar. He was not just a liar but also an extremely evil man. Many consider Christ to be a myth and Christianity a fairytale. Although I am certain that someone called Jesus must have existed and a lot of what is attributed to him are true, I have no doubt that much of Christianity is fairytale. The stories of virgin birth, walking on water, converting water to wine or resurrection and ascension are for the feeble in mind. The early believers must have added these stories to, as we say today, “sex up” their religion and make it look attractive. Simpleminded people like to believe in fairytales. This was more so in the past when the average man was illiterate and unsophisticated. But putting aside all the fairytales, the essence of Christianity is not bad. It teaches love and forgiveness. Today, many psychologists, self-help gurus and motivational speakers, will tell you the same thing. You must learn to give up your selfishness, see beauty in everything, and love. Love your neighbor, love your fellow being, love yourself, love the world, and learn to forgive – not only forgive others, but also forgive your self. ....
Christian love is something that can be taken to an extreme, just like anything else. Being too damn syrupy goes against the human grain and eventually reaction sets in. But Christianity is founded on the principle of forgiveness of sin, the triumph of substance over the form of empty ritual, Christ winning his battle with the Pharisees. Islam represents the triumph of form over substance, Pharisees triumphant. It's founded on principles of robbery, rapine, and murder, and it exerts its control through blood, not through true belief.
What will remain of Islam once you separate facts from fiction? Once you discard the ridiculous claim of splitting the moon and climbing to the seventh heaven to bargain with Allah about the number of prayer that Muslims should say during the day and other stupidities like these, you’ll find Islam is nothing but hate, violence, and terror. The psychopath narcissist does not understand love. He understands fear. Islam is based on fear.
Since Islamists will try to kill you if you try to quit, beat you up if you don't adhere strictly to the forms.
Then when you compare the life of Muhammad with that of Jesus, you’ll see that there is no comparison. One was the paragon of goodness while the other was the embodiment of evil. This is not comparing apples to oranges; we are talking of two opposite poles.
Sounds like a description if the Antichrist, if you're into Revelations. I believe he's supposed to be adored just as slavishly by his followers...
With all this consideration, it is clear why it is a mistake to compare Islam to Christianity. Just because Christianity has withstood criticism, it does not mean Islam will also survive criticism. ....
I believe the holy men are well aware of this, since they react so hypersensitively to any hint of criticism. If they didn't kill the people who left, people would simply leave.
There is nothing good in Islam. Islam is sheer evil that is sustained by fear. Not only the teachings of Islam are evil, Muhammad was a monster. You cannot say this about the founders of any other major religion. Muhammad was more evil than most cult leaders. He can be compared to Shoko Asahara and Charles Manson. So as you see, there is a fundamental difference between Islam and other religions....

But Islam is a different story. Islam is not a religion but a political movement in the guise of religion. Islam promises afterlife to rouse the foolhardy followers to wage war, kill and get killed cheerfully and advance the megalomaniac ambitions of grandeur of a psychopath. It is easy to defeat Islam. All we have to do is tell the truth. All we have to do is expose its foundation, remove those sands of lies from beneath it and it will fall on its own. Christianity and other religions are rooted in something good. The foundations of these religions are solid. But Islam does not have any foundation. It is based on sheer lies and unadulterated evil.

Muslims know that Islam will fall if exposed. On a subconscious level Muslims know that Islam is a lie and that it cannot be defended logically. That is why when you criticize Islam they panic. You can criticize all other religions, but all you can do is destroy their superstitions and fallacies. The foundation of these religions remains intact. As a matter of fact these religions have benefited immensely from criticism and thanks to that they were forced to give up most of their absurd tenets. They have adapted to the changing world. The evil practices of Sati in Hinduism, stoning in Judaism and inquisition in Christianity are things of the past.

But you can’t criticize Islam. If you tamper with the sands beneath it, the whole edifice will fall. Muslims know that. They know that Islam can’t take criticism and that it is very fragile. That is why they are so protective of it. That is why they become hysteric when a few cartoons are drawn depicting Muhammad. That is why they killed Theo Van Gogh and threaten to kill anyone who attempts to remove those sands of lies on which Islam stands.....

Muhammad was a psychopath. Psychopaths want to control others. The first thing they do is they destroy the selfhood of their victims. Thanks to Islam, Muslims have no pride, no self esteem, no dignity, no honor. Such a people are often very dangerous. Lack of self esteem is the cause of all evils. ...
That's probably why they yap on the subject so much.
This is what makes Muslims so evil. It’s their lack of self-esteem. They are ruthless and exploitative on the outside, but that is to cover their inner insecurity and fears. They are unhappy, fearful, walking scar tissues.

Muslims are bullies. Some researches have erroneously concluded that bullies suffer from unearned high self-esteem. But there is no such thing as high self-esteem. We have pomposity, hauteur, pretentiousness and vain glory. These are the flipside of low self-esteem. People who lack self-esteem wear these masks to hide their belittled and humiliated selves. Muhammad led his followers to deny their self worth. They are made to believe that without Islam they are nothing. They are even made to despise their own ancestral cultures and civilization. The narcissist has to destroy the selfhood of his victims in order to make them completely dependant.
I was thinking about this earlier, not that I had the time to write on the subject. Christianity is culture-neautral. You can build a church in any number of places and the parishoners don't have to give up their culture, their history, what makes them what they are. A Korean Christian remains a Korean. Islam is a cultural weapon. It wipes out existing cultures and replaces them with something else, occasionally beautiful, but not what was there before. Egyptians speak Arabic and they think of themselves as part of the Arab nation, rather than as the descendents of the people who built the pyramids and were the most powerful people in the eastern Mediterranean. Persian culture was strong enough, barely, to survive the Arab onslaught, but Persian culture's heavily influenced by the Arabians. The best they can manage is a different style of turban. The Paks deny all their history prior to the Muslim conquest — no Guptas, no Mauryas, no Vedic epics, no Rama, no horse sacrifice. They fawn on all things Arabian, while denying their connection to their own past. In North Africa, Cathago is not only delenda, but mostly forgotten, except for a few tourist sites. The Berbers have no memory of Jugurtha. All has been replaced by minarets and the call to prayer.
Muslims are not fools.
Even though they're fond of saying foolish things...
They just try to fool themselves. They can see Islam is false. They realize it is against human intelligence and that it makes no sense, but they are so much trapped in it that they can’t leave it. They force themselves to believe, because without it they are lost.
That's the insidious effect of forced daily ritual, bonking the nut five times a day and reciting the same affirmation of faith, over and over, until it's worn the desired groove into the brain. It's short, it's easy to remember, and repetition from babyhood means they're never really going to get rid of it. The best they can hope for is to understand it. Add in the other strictures — ablutions, how to pee, and that sort of nonsense — and things get even worse. The Salafists load even more requirements on, so that eventually a person has no time for anything but ahering to the requirements of religion. There's no time to think of anything else, to include making a living.
One Muslim wrote to me “Apparently some of the verses may seem or sound bad or barbaric. But it is Satan who is making us see them this way.” This explains the Islamic pathology. Muslims see that Islam is foolish, but they can’t let go. They can’t let go because they have nothing else to cling on. Muhammad robbed their identity and destroyed their selfhood. They must cling to Islam, even though they can clearly see that it is false because Islam is the only thing they have. It is the only straw in an ocean of uncertainties.

They need constant reassurance and repeat to themselves that "Islam is a beautiful religion" and that "Muhammad was the perfect human". They even seek these reassurances from others. They collect the the complimentary comments of non-Muslims (particularly Whites, because they think White people are superior) and even lobby politicians and political institutions to issue official statements recognizing Islam as a "great religion". Talk about insecurity.
We see these periodically in the Pak press. It's mental masturbation, without the need for a mental tissue, since nothing ever comes of it.
And then there is the fear – the fear of Hell and the punishment in the grave that has been inculcated in their minds since childhood. This fear has paralyzed their thinking ability. They dismiss any doubt as soon as it comes to their minds.
This is where Christianity can compete, though hellfire and brimstone has become kind of passe. Spread Dante's vision enough and they might start coming around. Where's Cotton Mather, now that we need him?
Miss Ruby is an educated Muslim. She is a solicitor. She considers herself a moderate Muslim because she lives in America, enjoys all the liberties and has no reason to become a terrorist. Miss Ruby joined the FFI forum in January. She wrote over 700 messages. After this much debating on May 12th she wrote:
Hello friends and enemies,
This is my last post, I have had fun here at FFI and have started to doubt my own religion.....THIS IS NOT GOOD.
I hereby testify that:
1) I believe that there is one Allah
2) I believe in the prophets
3) I believe in the four books sent from Allah..
4) I believe in the Angels
5) I believe in the day of judgement (Qayamat)
6) I believe in the resurrection after Qayamat
There is a purpose for my existence on this Earth and that is to serve only Allah....and his FINAL PROPHET is Muhammed (pbuh).
It was a mistake for me to join this forum and I will try to forget that I even doubted the words of my Allah.
Stay happy and don’t hate.
What we can make of this? We can make two things. One is that Muslims can clearly see that Islam is false. Next is that they are trapped in it. There is a mental block that they can’t get rid of. That mental block is psychological. Miss Ruby can’t cut her umbilical cord from Islam. She thinks without it, she will go to hell. She has not learned to be independent.

However, Miss Ruby and the Muslim whom I quoted before her and millions of other Muslims who are in their position are only fooling themselves. I know that, because I was there. They are smart enough to know it too. When I read the Quran and saw this is a book of nonsense, at first I started denying my own intelligence. ...

I left a message for Miss Ruby and wrote:
“You don't believe in any of this nonsense. You can never be the same. Once your brain expands, it will never shrink again. Believe me I tried it for two years because I was afraid to be free but at the end I failed (which means I won). These doubts that you start having will not diminish. They actually will keep multiplying. You'll start doubting even things you had taken for granted all your life. This is how people get enlightened. They suddenly find it is hard to believe in superstitions."
I knew there is no going back for Miss Ruby. I thought she will be back in a few months telling us she can no more withstand the lies of Islam and is leaving it. I was very wrong. Despite saying goodbye, Miss Ruby came back after a couple of days and kept talking with the friends. On May 19th, just one week after saying goodbye and reconfirming her shihadah, she wrote the following:
I have read your testimony and identify with lots of experiences emotionally. I am also reading the book 'Prophet of Doom', I am angry!........all these years, I have been lied to and deceived. Hey Mo is actually not the Rasool Allah at all!.....and he is a false self-proclaimed prophet of doom. I have to admit something to everyone right now, maybe the Muslims will also identify with this feeling inside. But I have never ever felt any love radiating from the Quran or any other Islamic scripture!.......actually when I read the Quran, I always feel tired and bored and start to yawn immediately!.

When I think of Jesus (although I’m not Christian), I always had a good feeling inside when I think of him. Maybe because he is worthy of respect more than Mo. But these are my feelings and emotions so far, I will write more tomorrow.

And this is what she wrote on May 22, 2006

Hello people this is my contribution for this thread, I have said this on another thread but would like to repeat myself on here for the Muslims who view it.
1) I acknowledge that Mohammad did rape and had sex with an underage girl who didn’t know what 'sex' was and shouldn't have had to deal with this invasion on her body at that tender age.(Ayesha)
2) I acknowledge that Mohammad looted and kept what was not his, so he was a thief.
3) I acknowledge that he had no sympathy or an ounce of compassion for anyone who disobeyed him and thus by definition CANNOT be merciful.
4) I acknowledge that he was a delusional illiterate power hungry man, who couldn't have had 'revelations' from Allah.
5) I acknowledge that Islam is a farce, it cannot be a peaceful religion because Muslims are by definition not peaceful right now. They can kill and maim and reach heaven and count their houris as a reward for destruction.
Let this be known all you Muslims, I am not one of you anymore. Mohammad was nothing short of a Bastard who liked SEX,SEX AND MORE SEX. He was a false prophet, and has lied to us all and has claimed falsehoods.
This religion cannot last too long. It will wipe out the rest of the human race if we don’t do something to stop it. Change yourselves, think for a moment, think for a year, then find your answers, deep inside. A person who orders to kill another is not human.
That is all I have to say on this matter.
As they say, read it all.
Posted by: Brett 2006-05-24