
All Out War
Via Islam On Line -
Israel and the radical Palestinian group Hamas declared all-out war on each other today, promising more bloodshed after a Jerusalem bus bombing and retaliatory strikes on Gaza plunged the conflict into one of its most violent phases. The deadly exchange yesterday left 27 people dead and shattered hopes for implementing the US-sponsored peace plan that was launched last week at a summit in Aqaba, Jordan, convened by US President George W Bush. Israeli radio said the army had been ordered to "completely wipe out" Hamas, which claimed responsibility for the suicide bomber who killed 16 other people on a bus in central Jerusalem. The order was given after Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz met his generals, the radio said. It said everyone "from the lowliest member to Sheikh Ahmad Yassin", a Hamas founder and its spiritual guide, was a target.
'bout time
Two days after the army tried and failed to assassinate the group's top political leader Abdul Aziz al-Rantissi, Hamas was undeterred and returned Israel's declaration of war. As Gaza prepared to bury 10 Palestinians killed in helicopter strikes on Hamas militants, members of the group's armed wing toured the city calling on the population to attend the funerals and promising bloody revenge. "We will strike with martyrdom operations as soon as possible," shouted members of the Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades.
"Grr! Don't I look fierce with this mask? Wanna see my gun? — Nope, nope! Can't touch it!"
Among the victims of last night's helicopter raids were two senior military figures of Hamas. One was said to have supervised the firing of rockets on Israel, while the other was one of the leading bombmakers. But senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniya said that "every Palestinian was a target" for Israel and charged that Israel's order to wipe out his movement was evidence that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had failed his people. "This threat reveals the security and political crisis Sharon is facing because he has failed to crush the Palestinian intifada and bring security to his citizens," Haniya told AFP.

With the international peace "road map" moribund, despite unprecedented condemnations of the violence and ceasefire calls by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas, Washington looked like the only force capable of stopping the rot. Bush harshly condemned the bus bombing in Jerusalem, but he sparked an uproar in Congress with a milder scolding of Sharon over the timing of the strike on Rantissi. Sharon declared last night after the bus bombing on Jaffa street that he would "continue to fight relentlessly against terrorism", but insisted that the strikes were not a breach of the road map. "We are going to continue the political process to ensure peace and security," he added.

The Israeli cabinet was due to meet today to consider how to respond to the Jerusalem bombing. "It is Israel's duty to respond following the horrific attack in Jerusalem, but we have to avoid antagonising the Americans; we have to react in an intelligent way," justice minister Tommy Lapid said.

Arafat went live on Palestinian television to call for a ceasefire. "I call on all Palestinian factions to stop all military operations and shooting attacks against Israelis," he said, describing the Jerusalem bombing as a "terrorist act". After the strike on Rantissi, Hamas announced that truce talks were not on the agenda and appeared determined to step up suicide bombings. The wounded leader himself vowed "not to leave one Jew in Palestine".
FoxNews says there were 4 more IDF strikes in Gaza this
AM, sounds like they've been saving intel for just a sweep like this. Hope they hit the right people

Posted by: Frank G 2003-06-12