
Chuck, Other Thugs Resume Peace Talks
Followup, EFL.
MONROVIA - Families emboldened by a lull in fighting headed back to bullet-strewn districts of Liberia's capital on Thursday, as envoys of President Charles Taylor and rebels resumed peace talks in the nearby west African nation of Ghana. Taylor's defense minister thug, Daniel Chea, and representatives of Liberia's two rebel groups had their first face-to-face meeting Thursday. A cease-fire signing could come as early as Friday, he said.
Ack! Are you guys nuts? Chuckie's gotta go!!
Liberian children were led into the room to plead with all sides to stop the fighting threatening to overwhelm Taylor's last stronghold, Monrovia, the official said.
After which they were all drafted, given rifles and sent to the front.
Those that weren't exported to DRC as foodstuffs...
After days of bloody clashes on Monrovia's northwestern outskirts, the government and main rebel group have declared their intent to cease hostilities, with conditions. No new fighting has been reported since Tuesday. The rebel offensive was the most intense yet in a three-year campaign to drive out Taylor, who now controls little territory outside the capital. Taylor's government claimed to have repelled the attack. Liberians fear a bloody battle for Monrovia, a city of one million repeatedly overrun during seven years of devastating faction fighting that ended in 1996. Taylor emerged the nastiest strongest warlord from that conflict and won rigged presidential elections the following year.
But keep in mind that some of his old rivals are still around. Prince Johnson, last I heard, was living the life of a retired gent...
Monrovia residents awoke Thursday to the sound of heavy rains - but not artillery. The more optimistic among tens of thousands of people who fled their homes during five days of fighting began to trickle back to outlying areas. The fighting left bodies lying in the streets of northwestern neighborhoods, although the total toll for the campaign is unknown. Some buses and taxis had returned to the Monrovia's streets and roadside, open-air vendors hawked their wares - often at massively inflated prices.
Somebody please put Chuckie away.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-06-12