
Powell to waste time CPRing the road map
Secretary of State Colin Powell is preparing to meet in Jordan with leaders of Russia, the European Union and the United Nations in an effort to repair the tattered road map for peacemaking between Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. and diplomatic sources said Thursday.
I know they don't want to give up on the 'map, but can't they send someone who doesn't care?
The tentative date is June 22, coinciding with a World Economic Forum at the Jordanian seaport, but final arrangements have not been made.
I hope some of the terrorists that are sure to be there can kill some of the rioting idiots that are sure to be there.
Powell will be joined by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. Senior European Union officials also were invited.
This is a group of ass-clowns that will accomplish nothing if there ever was such a group.
The above comment, of course, does not includ Mr. Powells Service record. For that I have nothing but praise.
Posted by: Mike N. 2003-06-12