
Musharraf refuses to rule out another Kargil
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has refused to rule out another Kargil-like situation developing in the future. The man identified with the Kargil intrusion in 1999, refused to accept that the war had been against Pakistan's self-interest and was a mistake and perhaps for the first time publicly admitted that Pakistani troops were involved.
Nope. Nothing happening on this side of the border.
"Kargil was a decision taken by the mujahideen,
and if they decide to use a few nukes, wells thats their choice too
and we got involved because of the action taken by the Indian troops," he said.
We expected the Indians to bend over and take it up the ass but for some reason they didn't, dumb infidels.
Refusing to acknowledge last year's election in Kashmir as free and fair,
my minions made sure that it was neither fair nor free
he said: "I am very clear on one thing. The people of Kashmir do not want to be part of India."
I came to power through a fair and free coup so I know what my bitches citizens want.
Asked if he had any regrets, the general said he regretted the way democracy and parliament had emerged in Pakistan after the elections and said that Pakistan had failed to evolve a functioning democracy. On his own referendum, he admitted it was a mistake.
I am the rightful supreme ayatollah of Pakistan and so there's no need for election.
Posted by: rg117 2003-06-13