
Maliki condemns Haditha killings
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki yesterday condemned as a terrible crime an alleged massacre of civilians by US Marines last year. Maliki’s coalition goverment said a national security committe would work with US-led forces to make sure there was no repeat of what occurred in the western town of Haditha in November.

Many Iraqis believe unjustified killings by US troops are common, but few have been confirmed by investigations. “The crime and misery of Haditha ... is a terrible crime where women and children were eliminated,” Maliki told a news conference after a cabinet meeting.

He said this week he wanted investigations into Haditha and other cases. In an interview on Tuesday he said his patience was wearing thin with excuses that US troops kill civilians “by mistake”.

His deputy said those responsible should be brought to justice and punished. “We will engage with multinational forces command seriously about means and modalities to prevent the re-occurrences of such incidents,” Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih said yesterday.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-06-02