
More on the Afghan "work accident" - would-be boomer was a crossdresser
A suicide car bomber was killed yesterday close to a base for US troops serving with a Nato-led peacekeeping mission in western Afghanistan when his bomb went off too soon, a provincial governor said. The suicide blast, the latest in a raft of such attacks in Afghanistan, rocked the small provincial capital of Farah in the country’s far west, a relatively quiet area that is seeing an increase in militant violence.

A suspected suicide bomber detonated an explosives-filled car while being chased by police through the city centre, provincial governor Isatullah Wasifi said. The intended target of the suicide bomb was not certain although the bomb exploded near a Nato peacekeepers’ base and governor’s office. Wasifi said a 22-year-old man wearing a burqa, the all-covering garment worn by some Afghan women, was detained near the site of the blast on suspicion of helping the attacker detonate the explosives.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-06-02