
Darfur Jihad Organization formed in Sudan
Al-Intibaha, a newspaper affiliated with the Sudanese Just Peace Forum, conducted an interview with Abu Jihad, leader of the Darfur Jihad Organization, concerning that group’s establishment, jihad mission, and affiliation with al-Qaeda. The text of the meeting is posted to the website of the Sudanese Space Channel, and has been distributed amongst several jihadist forums. The primary message underlying Abu Jihad’s answers is the intention to fight the “new colonization” of Sudan, and act when politicians and tribes are more concerned about a power struggle and future positions while the people of Darfur suffer. He states: “The people of Darfur do not know what to do. They are crying and nobody hears and they will not find a bite of bread on the deceiver’s table.”

The interviewer questions the group’s relationship to al-Qaeda, to which Abu Jihad refuses to answer, but to another query concerning their affiliation with the Sudanese government as a puppet, this he denies and warns that soon people will observe the distance between them. Abu Jihad also voices his belief that Security Council resolutions and African Peace are futile efforts and will not carry the strength or purpose of jihad, stating: “We insist on jihad as a doctrine and not a hobby. But you should know that caring about Muslim blood is much more and greater.” Addressing the Darfur people, he recites a verse from the Qur’an about fortifying territory and stationing army units where the enemy may strike.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-06-02